Curated picks for 100+ favorites

Illustrated maps and portraits from the city

Stories from respected writers

A field guide to Chicago: record shops and pizzerias, beat reporters and poets, urban history and pro sports lore.

Inside Wildsam Chicago, you'll find city stories from prize-winning writers, past and present; illustrated maps to beloved bars, Prairie School architecture and neighborhood pizza joints; interviews with artists, musicians and hot dog experts; delightful miscellany from the archives, selective recommendations about authentic Chicago experiences and trusted travel essentials.

"Glacial winters and miracle summers. Skyscraper ambition and star-crossed ball clubs. Howling L trains and the lapping lake."






145 pages, printed in the U.S.A.
Back-pocket size, 4 x 6.5 inches
Featuring more than a dozen local voices

Founder & Editor in Chief Taylor Bruce
Editor Samantha Alviani
Illustrations Simone Martin-Newberry
Contributing Writers Kevin Pang, Jeff Ruby, Roger Reeves, Davy Rothbart, Patricia Smith
Featuring Amanda Williams, Tarnynon Onumonu, Mark Greenwood, Nelson Algren, Rebecca Makkai, Saul Bellow