Moon geology, surface features, mapping lunar phenomena
Front-page news, full-color photos, iconic figures
Stories from cultural luminaries and writers
A field guide to the Moon: astronauts, pop culture, religion, eclipse chasers and scientific explanations of lunar phenomena..
Inside Wildsam The Moon, you'll find intel on best viewing practices and stories from prize-winning authors, past and present; myth, poetry, and conspiracy theories from the archives; interviews with Apollo astronauts, NASA guidance officers, planetary geologists; and a history of man and the moon
"There's an intimacy with the moon, a closeness inherent. Unlike the sun, the moon invites us to behold. 'Look at her,' Borges writes. 'She is your mirror.' There is one moon. Its borrowed light covers us all."
125 pages, printed in the U.S.A.
Back-pocket size, 4 x 6.5 inches
Featuring more two dozen lunar experts
Founder & Editor in Chief Taylor Bruce
Editor Stacy Hollister
Illustrations Jamison Harper
Contributing Writers Kate Rodemann, Dean Russell, John Spong, Hanif Abdurraqib, Ryand Bradley, Annette Gordan-Reed, Mary Roach, Antonio Ruiz-Camacho
Featuring Andrea Jones, Charlie Duke, Karl Marlantes, Rick Bass, Larry McMurtry